Impact Hub

18.09.2019. 15:45

Impacthub Beograd

Autor: Nova Ekonomija

„Vredni i inovativni“ mora da postane proizvod koji neko želi da kupi

PODCAST EP 07: Bill Grosso  Bill Grosso just might have seen it all. We’re just kidding! But he does have 25-year long contact with the US, specifically Silicon Valley startups which translates into invaluable experience with their gro...

Impacthub Beograd

Impact Hub

18.09.2019. 15:45

PODCAST EP 07: Bill Grosso 

Bill Grosso just might have seen it all. We’re just kidding! But he does have 25-year long contact with the US, specifically Silicon Valley startups which translates into invaluable experience with their growth. His expertise is building processes and prototypes for companies, especially in gaming. Impact Hub hosted Bill at Recap 2019 as a mentor and a speaker. We’ve used the opportunity to speak to him about Serbia’s startup ecosystem – his impressions, his excitement and his advice. Take a listen and leave excited for our ecosystem!

Bill Grosso je možda sve video. Šalimo se! Ali on je osoba koja ima kontakt sa startapima iz SAD i naročito Silicijumske doline, dug čak 25 godina – što u prevodu znači neprocenjivo iskustvo u radu na njihovom razvoju. Njegova ekspertiza jeste razvoj procesa i prototipa za kompanije, posebno u gejmingu. Impact Hub je ugostio Bill-a na Recap konferenciji 2019. godine, kao mentora i predavača. Iskoristili smo tu priliku da sa njim razgovaramo o startap ekosistemu Srbije – njegovim utiscima, radovanjima i savetima. Poslušajte i ostanite uzbuđeni zbog našeg ekosistema!


3.20 (In Serbia) Leaders of the startups often don’t have a lot of experience thinking about their go to market strategy. Thinking about how they take a really intriguing technological idea and make it into a business.

3.30 That transition from „We’ve got a group of really smart people, working hard, building something innovative“ to „We’ve got something that somebody is willing to pay for“ – is something people (in Serbia) still need help making.

8.30 What did you learn, did you get better, are you gonna try again? Not – you screwed up, you failed. So, on the social side, we have a huge safety net in Silicone Valley.

11.50 You need demonstrable success.

14.40 The reason I am here is because I have been involved with Silicone Valley startups for the past 25 years.

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